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Chronicles of Great Peace
Literature History

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National Institute of Japanese Literature

A military story written in the Muromachi period. Beginning with Emperor Godaigo's plan to overthrow the Kamakura Shogunate, it depicts the turbulent Nanbokuchō period up until the third Muromachi Shogunate, Yoshimitsu's reign. This text was treated as a historical book rather than a story, and during the Warring States period, it was read as a military science and law book. Many versions are written in mixed writing of literary Japanese Chinese with kanji and katakana, but this particular version is an unusual one that mixes in Hiragana. It is also rare that the old-moveable type version employs kanji with furigana. [Translated by NCC] [5//24]



Collection URL:

SAT大正蔵図像DBは、東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・人文情報学拠点長下田正弘が率いる SAT大蔵経テキストデータベース研究会により構築されている。仏教学においてのデジタルヒューマニティーズの促進に貢献するよう、デジタル時代に対応した画像検索、情報検索を取り入れている。SAT大正蔵図像DBを作成するにあたり、東京文化財研究所・津田徹英氏が率いる美術史の専門研究者43名が仏教画像にタグを付与する作業に従事している。現時点では大正新脩大藏經図像全12巻のうち最初の2巻が完成し、随時タグの作成を行っています。


SAT Taishōzō Image DB has been built and managed by the SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee (led by Professor Masahiro Shimoda of the University of Tokyo) in order to contribute to the promotion of humanities in the digital era through leveraging digital media and technologies in Buddhist studies. The project of the SAT Taishōzō Image DB, which is working to embed tags to Buddhist images in the Image Section of the Taishō Tripitaka, is being led by Mr. Tetsuei Tsuda, chief curator in the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Tokyo, assisted by forty-three researchers of Japanese art history. The tagging work on the first two of twelve volumes is nearly complete, with the remaining work is ongoing.


Literature History Religion & Philosophy Culture IIIF

Collection URL:




Kōyasan University

Emperor Uda (Emperor Kanpyō)


Natural Disaster
History Archeology Maps & Topographies

Collection URL:



Shimane University Library Digital Archive Collection



The Gertrude Bass Warner Collection of Japanese votive slips
Arts Literature History Performing Arts Popular Culture Anthropology Creative Commons

Collection URL:

The University of Oregon Libraries holds the only known collection of Japanese shrine and temple votive slips (nōsatsu) in North America.

The nōsatsu prints were collected from 1910 to around 1925 by Frederick Starr, an anthropologist from the University of Chicago, who was intrigued by the religious nature of the votive slips and the transmission of Ukiyo-e printing techniques and tropes from the Edo period to the nōsatsu of the Meiji and Taishō eras (1868–1925). 


Tokushima University Library High Definition Digital Archive of Rare Materials
History Maps & Topographies

Collection URL:



At Tokushima University Library, we have over 200 holdings of rare old maps and pictorial maps (Modern Old and Pictorial Map Collection) [translated by NCC][11/25/2020]


The Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
Arts Religion & Philosophy

Collection URL:




At Tokyo bunka kenkyūjo, we are dedicated to creating publicly accessible databases by linking with external centers through the collaboration of the Archives Section and the Data and Information Section. [translated by NCC][05/04/2022]


IIIF Arts Literature History Religion & Philosophy Government

Collection URL:



A large collection of rare materials held by the University of Tokyo Library System, such as the Ogai Collection.

[translated by NCC][120820]


Arts Literature History Architecture Archeology Performing Arts Social Sciences Religion & Philosophy Government Politics Law Business & Economics Maps & Topographies Culture Anthropology

Collection URL:



The University of Tokyo (mainly University of Tokyo Library System, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo Archives, and Information Technology Center) has been promoting "UTokyo Digital Archives Development Project" since 2017, in order to make university’s academic assets public and reusable. In this project, we are developing "UTokyo Academic Archives Portal", which provides holding information for digital archives operated by a variety of organizations in the University of Tokyo.


Law IIIF History

Collection URL:



This is a collection of rare materials held by the Legal History Section, Faculty of Law Library, at the University of Tokyo.

[translated by NCC][9/13/19]


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