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Overseas Japanese-language Newspapers
Literature History Social Sciences Politics Japanese Language

Collection URL:


海外で最初の日本語新聞として知られているのは、1886年(明治19年)ごろにサンフランシスコで発行された『東雲(しののめ)雑誌』である。 それ以降、合衆国、ハワイ、南米各地である程度の日本人コミュニティができると日本語新聞が発行され、本国、国内、地域のニュースを伝え、 文芸欄や意見記事で現地の言葉に不慣れな移民たちを結んできた。


International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)

The Shinonome zasshi, published in San Francisco around 1886, is known as the first Japanese-language newspaper published overseas. From then on, when Japanese communities grew to a certain size in the United States, Hawaii, and countries in South America, Japanese-language newspapers were launched, reporting news about their homeland, their host country, and local area, as well as publishing articles in literary, editorial, and other features. These newspapers helped unite Japanese immigrants unfamiliar with the local language.


Folktales of Strange Phenomena and Yōkai (Spirits, Ghosts, Monsters)
Arts Literature History Japanese Language

Collection URL:




International Research Center for Japanese Studies

Bibliographic information on yōkai and mysterious phenomena reported in folklore studies and other fields research.
Data Count: 35,800items (As of August 2017)


Illustrations of Strange Phenomena and Yōkai (Ghosts, Monsters, Spirits)
Arts Literature

Collection URL:




International Research Center for Japanese Studies

High-resolution digital images of picture scrolls depicting yōkai monsters in the Nichibunken collection.


Paintings of Strange Phenomena and Yōkai (Ghosts, Monsters, Spirits)
Arts Literature

Collection URL:




International Research Center for Japanese Studies

Database of images of a wide variety of strange phenomena and yōkai depicted in paintings.


Kakimoto Shrine Waka Poem Collection
Arts Literature History Japanese Language Culture IIIF Creative Commons

Collection URL:



Shimane University Library Digital Archive Collection



History Culture

Collection URL:



This collection consists of a total of 12,000 materials and 16,560 books (15,890 Japanese and Chinese classical texts, 670 Western texts) that were in the possession of the first president of Kagawa University, the late Kanbara Jinzō. [translated by NCC][06/16/2021]


Literature IIIF

Collection URL:



Kansai University's Open Research Center has as one of its concepts, making research-related resources openly available. The Kansai University Digital Archives is one of the initiatives based on this concept. It makes openly available, resources that are held in the Kansai University's library as well as private collections of Kansai University faculty whose research is in East Asian culture. [Translated by NCC][01/12/2021]


Kansai University East Asia Digital Archive
Literature IIIF

Collection URL:



The documents that are accessible through the Kansai University East Asia Digital Archive are from personal library collections that are held at the Kansai University Library. They include Japanese, Chinese, and books bound in the Western style, as well as material held by researchers at the Kansai University Asian Research Centre (KU-ORCAS) that are related to the dissemination of Western learning in the East.


Imaging Kanto
Arts History Architecture Maps & Topographies

Collection URL:



In 1923, a major earthquake and conflagration devastated Japan’s capital Tokyo and surrounding areas in the Kantō region. Photographs documenting the event, many circulated in the form of postcards, produced a rich and multilayered visual history of the city’s destruction. Imaging Kantō was created as a digital complement to Gennifer Weisenfeld’s Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 (University of California Press, 2012) to archive, crowd-source, and exhibit images of the Great Kantō Earthquake and its Tokyo urban context in conjunction with important historical visualizations of data from the disaster and reconstruction process. A collection of postcards acquired by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University serves as the core of the catalog. The postcards are combined with a series of historical maps of the disaster and subsequent rebuilding published in 1931 right as the process of reconstruction was being completed. The inclusion of georeferenced and rectified maps will continue to expand our understanding of the profound impact of disaster and reconstruction on social and urban space over time. And as the archive grows, it will enable more in-depth study of the ethical dimensions of disaster, hopefully facilitating the curation of new interpretative narratives.


Japanese special collections in the C. V. Starr East Asian Library
Arts History

Collection URL:

カリフォルニア大学バークレー校C. V. スター東アジア図書館では、2006年以来立命館大学アート・リサーチセンターのご協力を得て日本関連館蔵資料のデジタル化に取り組んでまいりました。このポータルは、これらの日本古典籍デジタル資料の研究、教育、探求を支援するため一般公開するものです。このポータルでは、ARCが撮影した資料画像のみならず、他の研究機関から提供されたデジタル画像も検索できます。新しい資料も随時追加してまいります。


Since 2006, the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley has been engaged in collaboration with the Art Research Center of Ritsumeikan University to digitize parts of the Library's Japanese collections. This portal provides free access to digital surrogates of these rare and historical sources related to Japan for research, teaching, and exploration. In addition to those digitized by the ARC researchers, the portal also provides access to digital images provided by other research institutes. New materials are added regularly.


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