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Taizō himitsuryaku daiki

Literature History Religion & Philosophy Culture IIIF

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高野山大学図書館光明院文庫所蔵の『胎蔵秘密略大軌』(本・末 一巻)は、先行研究によれば寛平法皇(宇多天皇867-931)の撰書であり、かつ法皇の宸筆(しんぴつ)【天皇の直筆(じきひつ)】 の可能性が高い。『胎蔵秘密略大軌』(本・末)は他に東寺観智院金剛蔵本があり、東寺本も法皇の宸筆(天皇の直筆)と見做されている。光明院本に記される角筆の中で朱筆にてなぞられていない箇所が東寺本に書写されていないことから、両本の関係は光明院本が草稿本であり、東寺本が清書本と考えられている。

Kōyasan University

Emperor Uda (Emperor Kanpyō)

Shingon Buddhism・phase

The "Taizō himitsuryaku daiki" (book, 1 volume), held in the Kōmyō-in publishing collection at the Kōyasan Library, is said to be a compilation book by Emperor Kanpyō's (Emperor Uda, 867-931) as well as the emperor's autograph (originally handwritten by the emperor himself) according to prior research. There is a "Taizō Himitsuryaku Daiki" kept at the Kanchi-in temple that is also said to be the emperor's autograph as well. However, the artifact kept at Kanchi-in does not have parts of it traced in a red-inked brush, like the artifact at Kōmyoin-in is marked in. This means the artifact at Kōmyō-in was the rough draft of the book while the artifact in Kanchi-in was the final draft.

[Translated by NCC] [022819]

Keywords: taizō,himitsuryaku,daiki,meizōhimitsurakudaiki,IIIF,Koyasandaigaku,胎蔵,高野山大学,
Resource updated: Sep 8th, 2020