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ガートルード・バス・ワーナー 納札コレクション

The Gertrude Bass Warner Nōsatsu Collection

The Gertrude Bass Warner Collection of Japanese votive slips
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The University of Oregon Libraries holds the only known collection of Japanese shrine and temple votive slips (nōsatsu) in North America.

The nōsatsu prints were collected from 1910 to around 1925 by Frederick Starr, an anthropologist from the University of Chicago, who was intrigued by the religious nature of the votive slips and the transmission of Ukiyo-e printing techniques and tropes from the Edo period to the nōsatsu of the Meiji and Taishō eras (1868–1925). 

Keywords: nōsatsu,nosatsu,Frederick,Starr,votive,slips,oregon,gartrude,warner,bass,納札オレゴン大学
Resource updated: Oct 22nd, 2020