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Kansai daigaku higashi ajia dejitaru ākaibu

Kansai University East Asia Digital Archive
Literature IIIF

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The documents that are accessible through the Kansai University East Asia Digital Archive are from personal library collections that are held at the Kansai University Library. They include Japanese, Chinese, and books bound in the Western style, as well as material held by researchers at the Kansai University Asian Research Centre (KU-ORCAS) that are related to the dissemination of Western learning in the East.

We have approximately 1,500 items currently (March, 2019) and we plan to make accessible as items are added. 

[translated by NCC][9/6/19]

Keywords: 何焯評点,葉樹藩参訂,胡克家撰,丘濬撰,章学誠撰,瞿曇悉達,奉勅修撰,昭明太子劉蕭統輯,李善注,杞廬主人,魏源撰,尾崎実,内田慶市,内藤,長澤,関西大学,KansaiDaigaku
Resource updated: Sep 8th, 2020