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Arts History Culture

Collection URL:

Tokyo Museum Collectionは、6つの都立ミュージアム(江戸東京博物館、東京都写真美術館、東京都現代美術館、東京都庭園美術館、東京都美術館、江戸東京たてもの園)が収蔵する資料・作品を、横断的に検索できるデータベースです。


Tokyo Museum Collection is a cross-searchable database of materials and artworks in the collections of six Tokyo metropolitan museums: Edo-Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Architectural Museum.


Arts History Culture Anthropology Archeology

Collection URL:



National Museum of Japanese History


Arts History Maps & Topographies Science

Collection URL:



Tottori Digital Collection is a system that allows viewing of digitized material from four institutions on the web; namely, Tottori Prefectural Archives, Tottori Prefecture Embedded Cultural Properties Center, Tottori Prefectural Library, and Tottori Prefectural Museum. [Translated by NCC][06/16/2021]


Arts History Maps & Topographies Culture

Collection URL:

津軽地方には、貴重な文献資料が豊富に残されています。その中で、「本州最北端に生きた人々」というテーマのもと、絵図や歴史資料を中心に、是非皆様に見ていただきたいという資料を選びました。これまであまり知られていなかった絵図や、津軽の風物を描いた画帳など、貴重な資料を数多く公開しています。In the 歴史的にも文化的にも興味深いこれらの資料を、どうぞお楽しみ下さい。


In the Tsugaru region, there are numerous rare records and materials that we have inherited. We chose pictorial and historical materials under the them "people who have lived in the Northernmost regions of Honshū." We have made public, a number of pictorial maps and sketchbooks that depict Tsugaru that have not been widely known in the past. Please enjoy these materials that are historically and culturally interesting. [Translated by NCC, 22 October, 2020]


Tsugaru Roads and Paths Notebook

Collection URL:



This item was likely created in February of 1649 within the Tsugaru territory, and a copy of a "dōchō" (report from the streets) that was sent to Edo. It covers Tsugaru's roads and sea routes.


Common gold stones
Literature History Archeology IIIF Creative Commons

Collection URL:



Shimane University Library Digital Archive Collection



Common animals
Literature History Archeology IIIF Creative Commons

Collection URL:



Shimane University Library Digital Archive Collection



Common plants
Literature History Archeology IIIF Creative Commons

Collection URL:



Shimane University Library Digital Archive Collection



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