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This website aims to select images and drawings from the National Diet Library's digital collection materials, and randomly list them so that users can browse through the pictures that would lead them to books and documents.
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“Research Resource Archive, Kyoto University” (KURRA) was established to collect and preserve systematically various materials that were made within educational and research activities in Kyoto University, and to make them available for further activities.
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京都大学図書館機構では、学術・文化の発展に貢献するため、貴重な古典籍・古文書をはじめとする本学所蔵の学術資料の電子化とインターネット上での公開に取り組んでいます。国宝『今昔物語集(鈴鹿本)』や重要文化財40 点をはじめ、これまでに電子化した資料は約7,000 タイトル(平成28年度末現在)に及び、国内でも有数の規模を誇ります。
In order to contribute to academic and cultural development, Kyoto University Library Network is engaged in digitizing rare materials our libraries hold and making them available online. We now have one of the largest digital collection in Japan: as of the end of March, 2017, the number of digitized items reached about 7,000 titles, including Konjaku monogatari-shu (Suzuka Ed.), designated as a national treasure, and 40 important cultural properties.
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Collection URL:
You can browse and search Kyushu University's rare collections by collection names or genres. Some materials have digitized images (Refine by the checkbox "With Fulltext").
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