Collection URL:
三大学が分散して所蔵する富士川文庫資料を一堂に公開することを通じて日本医史学の研究・発展に寄与するとともに、IIIF(International Interoperability Image Framework)を活用した分散コレクションの仮想統合例を提示します。
The Digital Fujikawa is a project which has been jointly launched by Kyoto University Library Network and Keio University Media Center. The project intends to contribute to the development of the research in the history of medicine in Japan by providing the comprehensive view of the Fujikawa Collection that has been physically distributed over different institutions using IIIF (International Interoperability Image Framework).
Collection URL:
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
High resolution images of all pages of the ezōshi, or illustrated story books from the Edo period, in the Nichibunken collection.