Collection URL:
高野山大学図書館所蔵 三宝院寄託
Goshōrai mokuroku (deposited by Sanbō-in, Publication A)
Kōyasan University Library, deposed by Sanbō-in
Goshōrai mokuroku: A report about Kūkai's abroad experiences and achievements in China, written right after he came back to Japan. In the year 806 (Daidō 1) on October 22nd, the report was entrusted to Takashina no To'onari to be submitted to the Imperial Court. Later part of the report includes a catalog of scriptures brought in from China. The catalog consists of 216 books and 461 scrolls of sutras, ten Buddhist, Mandala and Ajari illustrations, nine ritual implements, and thirteen accessories for an Ajari inherited from Keika Ajari.
[Translated by NCC] [021519]