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高野山大学図書館所蔵 光明院文庫本
Hizō hōyaku (Myokoin-bunko, different Manuscript from Muromachi Period)
Manuscript: Hizō hōyaku
Kōyasan University Library, Original Publication from Kōmyōin-bunko
Possibly from Late Muromachi Period
One quire (Only first volume. Second and third volume lost)
Hizō hōyaku: A scripture that preaches "The Ten Stages of Consciousness", a teaching by Kūkai. The teaching separates the state of the human mind into 10 types based off of the Mahavairocana Sutra’s “abiding mind” and then shows the process of how to reach the “Tenth Secret Solemn, Abiding Mind” which leads to enlightenment. While the Hizō hōyaku is considered the rough summary of the “Ten Abiding Stages on the Secret Mandalas”, it is written in the form of questions and answers so it can cater towards the common audience.
[Translated by NCC] [022819]