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【写本】般若心経秘鍵 (三宝院寄託・写本・含 舎利議記)
高野山大学図書館所蔵 三宝院寄託
Manuscript: Hannya shingyō hiken
Kōyasan University Library, deposited by Sanbō-in
Includes Shari giki
Han'nya shingyō hiken: A book of Kūkai's personal interpretation of the "Han'nya shingyō" of the Mahayana sutra, and how the Mahayana sutra is a Vajrayana sutra. Kūkai specifically talks about how "Han'nya shingyō" is a sutra preaching of the hidden core of Prajnaparamita. A unique characteristic of this analysis by Kūkai is how he points out that this sutra's ultimate standpoint is that in the end, every branch of Buddhism refers back to the truths of all teachings of Shingon Buddhism.
[Translated by NCC] [021919]