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ColBase: 国立文化財機構所蔵品統合検索システム

ColBase: Kokuritsu bunkazaikikō shozōhin sōgō kensaku shisutemu

Arts History

Collection URL:

ColBase: 国立文化財機構所蔵品統合検索システムは、国立文化財機構の4つの国立博物館(東京国立博物館、京都国立博物館、奈良国立博物館、九州国立博物館)と一つの研究所(奈良文化財研究所)の所蔵品を、横断的に検索できるサービスです。


"ColBase: Integrated Collections Database of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Japan" is a service that enables a multi-database search of the collections in the four national museums (Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum, and Kyushu National Museum) and one research institute (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) in Japan, all of which belong to the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage.

The information registered in this system is limited to works owned by the relevant institutions and does not include works on loan to said institutions. Database images are limited to works that are no longer subject to copyright and for which digital images have been provided. Translations into languages other than Japanese are not available for all works.

Keywords: Kyoto,Tokyo,Nara,Kyushu,東京,京都,奈良,九州
Resource updated: May 26th, 2021