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Kokuhō kanazawa bunko bunsho dētabēsu

Arts History Architecture Religion & Philosophy Culture

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 現在、日本中世史研究の基礎史料となった「国宝 金沢文庫文書」は、モンゴル帝国の影響を大きく受けた13世紀後半から14世紀初頭の東アジアの状況を伝える文書としても注目されています。

4,149 items from the Kanazawa bunko bunsho is managed by Kanazawa Prefecuture Kanazawa Bunko, and was named national treasure along with Shōmyōji shōgyō (16,692 items) in 2016. Our collection of historical materials are held at Shōmyōji (Yokohama City Kanazawa-ku). The prefectural Kanazawa Bunko began arranging and interpreting these material beginning in 1930. They were able to identify that this is a rare collection that can shed light into Japanese medieval politics, economics, and culture that have been areas that were traditionally difficult to research due to the lack of historical records. Currently, "National Treasure Kanazawa bunko bunsho" serves as foundational historical material for Japanese medieval historical research. It has also received attention for clarifying the situation in East Asia that was influenced by the Mongol Empire between the late 13th century to the beginning of 14th century. [Translated by NCC, October 22, 2020]

Keywords: butsuzo,仏像,butsuga,仏画
Resource updated: Oct 23rd, 2020