Collection URL:
演劇博物館が所蔵する国内外の演劇・映画に関する膨大な資料を、学術データベースとして順次公開しています。 一部のデータベースでは画像、動画、3Dデータを表示することもできます。明記がない限り、無断での転載・転用はご遠慮下さい。
「舞台写真データベース」,「浮世絵閲覧システム」,「現代演劇上演記録データベース」は文部科学省 私立大学学術研究高度化事業 学術フロンティア推進事業「アジア地域文化に関する共同研究-演劇・美術史・考古学を中心として-」アジア地域文化研究センター[98F-02] (1998~2002年度)により構築されました。
The museum collects source materials on the theatre and motion pictures, conducts surveys and research, and organizes and stores materials. The results of these activities are made available widely through exhibitions and other events, as well as via publications and online database.
Digital Archives Collection is made up of works from the Enpaku collection that are being digitized and made available to the public progressively. It includes more than 47,000 ukiyo-e prints, all of which can be viewed online. Users can also check through various catalogs, including rare books, stage photographs and folk performing arts, that have been widely used in research and many other purposes since they were first made available to the public in 2001. Staff are also working hard in recent years to build an archive with 3D data files for three-dimensional exhibits.