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Early Photography of Japan

Early Photography of Japan

Early Photography of Japan

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"Early Photography of Japan"は、ワイドナー図書館、芸術図書館、ハーバード・イェンチン図書館が所蔵する、かつて土産物として米国に持ち帰られたアルバムや出版物等40冊に収録された2,000枚以上の写真をデジタル化したオンラインのコレクションである。



Early Photography of Japan is an online collection of more than 40 souvenir photograph albums and illustrated publications with over 2,000 images from Widener Library, the Fine Arts Library, and Harvard-Yenching Library.

These images primarily document the early history of commercial photography in Japan and are representative of what is often called Japanese tourist photography or Yokohama shashin. They reflect the Western image of traditional Japanese culture before the dramatic transformation brought about by modernization during the Meiji period (1868–1912).

Keywords: Beato,Farsari,Kimbei,Kazumasa,Renjo,Shinichi,Kozaburo,Kuichi
Resource updated: Jan 13th, 2020