Collection URL:
慶應義塾大学メディアセンターデジタルコレクション (Keio D Collections) は、慶應義塾大学メディアセンターが所蔵する貴重資料や特殊コレクションを公開するサイトです。
貴重書に指定されている和漢の古典籍(和書:1623年以前(元和以前)、漢籍:1367年以前(元以前))は、一部の資料を除き、全頁のデジタル化を完了しています。また、浮世絵も電子化が進んでいるコレクションの一つです。浮世絵の歴史を通覧できる高橋誠一郎浮世絵コレクション(約1,500点)、幕末から明治の作品が中心となる「ボン浮世絵コレクション」(約880点) は、いずれも全点デジタル化を終え、本コレクションでも公開しています。現在は個人文庫コレクションや古文書類を中心に電子化に取り組んでおり、利用が多い資料などを中心に、順次公開していく予定です。
Google Library Project によって電子化された資料(著作権の保護期間が終了した図書2万3000冊、江戸時代中期から明治初期までの和装本約7万1000冊など) は、Google ブックス、または Hathi Trust Digital Library に掲載されています。 慶應義塾大学KOSMOSや、各サイトから検索してご利用ください。
The Keio University Media Center Digital Collections (Keio D Collections) is a website that brings together rare and special collections owned by the Keio University Media Centers to be made open to the public. The site contains digitalized materials with descriptions and catalog data. Images without these details are part of the Mita Media Center collection.
The Media Centers at Keio University have been promoting the digitization of rare collections.
Apart from some materials, entire pages of rare Japanese and Chinese classic books have been digitized (Japanese books: Before 1623 [before the Genna period]; Chinese books: Before 1367 [before the Yuan Dynasty]). The digitization process has also been moving ahead for the Ukiyo-e collection. Both Seiichiro Takahashi's Ukiyo-e collection (around 1,500 items), which offers a general survey of the history of Ukiyo-e, and the Bonn Ukiyo-e Collection (around 880 items), which includes extensive holdings of Edo to Meiji period works, have already been digitized. Both collections are now available on the website and open to the public. Currently, the Media Center is focusing on the digitization of personal collections and Japanese historical manuscripts (Komonjo), which will be uploaded on to the website in order of demand.
With the acquisition of the Gutenberg 42-line Bible in 1996, the digitization of Western books was launched mainly under the Keio University HUMI Project (1996-2001). Photographing the entire the Gutenberg 42-line Bible, which is accessible online, has been a major achievement. HUMI Project's photography studio is now being used by the Media Center, which is continuing the digitization process of rare books (pre-17th century materials in the case of Western books) including the incunabula collection. These data will also be gradually released online as the digitization project progresses.