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Okinawa kenritsu toshokan kichо̄shiryо̄ dejitaru shoko

Arts Maps & Topographies

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これまで直接来館しないと閲覧できなかった貴重資料をデジタル化し発信することで、多くの皆さまに場所や時間を問わず、ご利用いただけるようになりま した。また、現在公開している資料につきましては、今後掲載資料の点数や解説も順次追加し、更に内容の充実を図っていく予定です。


The Okinawa Prefectural Library's rare materials digital archive provides access to digital images from the rare collection (old maps, scrolls, archival documents etc.), so that they are useable and protected.

While our patrons were only able to view these rare materials by physically visiting our institution, we have been able to reach a wider audience, as we are no longer limited by time or place, having made the rare materials digitally available. We hope to not only add the number of items in this digital collection, but to also improve the content by adding background information and explanations of each item.

Without our digital collection, "Old Maps of Shuri" and "Ryūkyū dyeing" from the Higaonnakanjun collection include a detailed images and explanation in order to better introduce the material. 

[translated by NCC][9/11/19]

Keywords: ryūkyū,map,shuri,okinawa,ryukyusenshoku,琉球,沖縄,首里,琉球染織,
Resource updated: Sep 8th, 2020